Arcadia International® has opened four offices in Europe (Belgium, France, Italie and Portugal) and built strong partnership inducing robust strategic capabilities all over the globe through international partnership.

Our main partners are: 

> Celeres (Brazil)

Founded in 2002, Céleres is a Brazilian consulting company focused on the agribusiness sector.With a highly qualified and diverse team, Celeres has a holistic view of the agribusiness supply chain, looking forward to predict trends and offer the best information capable of assisting its clients in their decision-making.


> Comart (Turkey)

Comart is a Turkish consultancy company in the field of agriculture and food processing. - only available in Turkish)


> Comitor Consulting (France)


> ConsAct (Hungary)

ConsAct is a Hungarian consultancy company working with a new management model that helps to meet our clients’ needs regarding the development and financing of management, process control, human resources and information technology in a more integrated and efficient manner.The complexity of our services and the work style of our consulting activity generate an added value and create a trustful relationship with our clients.


> Eurotasc (Belgium)

TASC is a Brussels based Belgian company founded in 2004 by experts dealing with public institutions and managing institutional projects.
TASC is a well-established consultancy platform specialized in accompanying companies in winning public tenders with a particular focus on tenders from European Institutions.


Foedus Consulting (Belgique)


> IHGC (International)

The International Hop Growers’ Convention (IHGC) safeguards the common interest of hop growers and hop merchants. From the IHGC activities are excluded all political questions as also all questions not concerning the common interest of a hop industry.


> Nutrifizz (France)

Founded in 2010 by (PhD), Nutrifizz is a consultancy company specialised in Nutrition. Theire services include scientific and regulatory consulting, business intelligence activvities, innovation management and communication support.


> Promar (Japan)

We are an Asia-based research consulting company specializing in exploring opportunities and solving problems in food, drink, agriculture and agribusiness.